Is MAPS being 100% transparent with us taxpayers? Look at these numbers and you decide for yourself...


Let's do the math - increasing the mil rate by 32 cents will only raise $9,818,149 over the next 21 years. That's a far cry from the $16 million they are borrowing. And don't forget about all the interest.


So where is all this extra money coming from? If you're a taxpayer, it's coming out of your wallet.


Here's what MAPS isn't telling you...


If there were no referendum, your property taxes would have gone down because the state of Wisconsin is giving the Merrill school district a lot more money per student than last year.


I wonder why MAPS didn't tell us this little bit of information in the expensive postcards they keep mailing us.


What do you need to do next?


Vote NO on the April 2nd school budget referendum and your taxes will go DOWN! And not just a little, but a lot. Vote NO and your school district mil rate will go down approximately 38 cents! A no vote will save the average taxpayer thousands upon thousands of dollars over the next decade.


The school district claims the tax increase will only be 32 cents per $1000 in home value. But the TRUE difference between a NO VOTE and a yes vote is about 70 cents per $1000 in home value.


What’s the $$$ difference between voting NO and voting yes?


VOTE NO and the yearly property taxes on a $200,000 house will be about $140 less than voting if you were to vote yes.


VOTE NO and your property taxes will actually go DOWN!


Remember the HUGE school funding tax increase from last year? Don’t make it even worse by raising your property taxes even more. And not just a little more.


It kind of sounds like they’re not being 100% transparent in their advertising, doesn't it?


VOTE NO on April 2nd.
